Inspired by the everyday practice Doctor Philippe Harb presents, after twenty years of basic, clinical and radiographics (scanners, MRI), using uniques images and videos by 3D animation :
- The CFU is a Platform for Research, Education and Conceptualization ; Anatomy, Function, Dysfunctions , Diagnostics and Treatments masticatory apparatus : Equilibration , prostheses , ODF , occlusodontics , surgery, posturology …
The Morpho – Functional Mandibular Rehabilitation
- From the CFU, subscribe to the formation of a new concept, functional and gnathological, diagnosis and treatment of cranio-Mandibular relationships : The Morpho – Functional Mandibular Rehabilitation (MFMR).
Concern the dental world
Occlusodontists , orthodontists , dentists , speech therapists, stomatologists , maxillo-facial surgeons , physiotherapists, osteopaths , rheumatologists , otolaryngologists, pediatric …